Sunday, September 12, 2010

Healthy Household Cleaners

I get headaches when I clean with chemical cleaners so I use
natural cleaners instead.Natural cleaning supplies leave
my home clean and fresh. Why use harsh chemicals to clean
when these natural cleaners get the job done? Ok, I
will admit sometimes I have to put a little more elbow
grease into my cleaning but it is totally worth it! These
natrual cleaners are non-toxic andvirtually odoar free.
They are so much safer to have with little ones in the house
than those poisonous, toxic, smelly, chemical cleaners.

Vinegar is one of the greatest solutions to domestic
duties.Ok your are probably thinking...Oooh it smells!
But it actually deodorizes. After the initial vinegar smell,
if you clean with it, your house will smell fresh afterward.
And anyway, those chemical cleaners have strong
smell way worse anyway. I use vinegar mixed
with baking soda (a scrubbing and deodorizing agent).
I use vinegar to clean:
- Any and everything!
- Especially the kitchen
- Baby toys
- Bathroom
-I mop with it
-If you absolutely have to use a smelly chemical to
clean something, wipe vinegar over it and it will help
nutrilize the smell.

Basic H is an awesome All-Purpose Household cleaner.
It's an excellent degreaser, completely organic, and has no odor.
This 16 oz. bottle is extra concentrated and I only put about 1 tsp.
per gallon of hot water.

Baking soda is good for scrubbing, and everday cleaning.
I also put it on my carpet and vacuum it up.

7th Generation and GreenWorks dish soap, in my opinion,
are great because they leave less residue and are free of
unnecessary fragrances.

Ok so there you have it. Cleaning with these natural cleaners
is just one more step I have taken towards creating a healthy
home for my family.

1 comment:

  1. I use Basic H for most everything! Haven't tried the dish soaps, thinking I'll put those on my next shopping list.
