Top 10: My Toddler Loves Vegetables

My toddler actually enjoys eating vegetables.
Yes! My outspoken 2 year old loves to eat vegetables! I consider
this as quite an accomplishment because most kids are not easily
won over when it comes to eating their veggies. Okay, so what did
I do to get to this point? Below is my Top 10 List of ways I
encourage my toddler to eat vegetables with joy and satisfaction.

Starting with...

#10: Junk Free Pantry
               -Usually, packaged food = processed food
               -My pantry contains:
                    canned tomato sauce             blue corn chips
                    chicken broth                         crackers
                    bread                                     cheerios
                    pasta                                      oatmeal
                    rice                                         peanut butter
                    beans                                      potatoes                                      
                    baking supplies such as flour, sugar, etc.
               -That's it, nothing else!

#9 Mr. McGregor's Garden

               -We read books such as Peter Rabbit getting into
                 Mr. McGregor's Garden.
                -This type of book is filled with the
                 wonderful events in gardens and talks about
                 fruits, vegetables, etc.

               - Sometimes my toddler will ask me, "Did this come
                  from Mr. McGregor's garden?" when I give him
                  veggies to snack on.

#8 Lead by example

               - My husband and I do not eat a lot of bad stuff
                 in front of him.But if we do, it's after dinner has been

#7 "Little Chef"
               - My 2 year old sits on the counter and helps me cook.
               -Even if it's just stirring something, he is involved.

#6 Grocery Shopping is a Field Trip!
               - Before we go shopping, we sit down and make a list of
                  things we need at the store.
               - Then he colors his list.
               - At the grocery store, we have fun smelling and picking out
                 the produce and checking off our list.

#5 Healthy Snacks are Always in the Kitchen
               - While I'm cooking dinner, he usually likes to come and
                  see what I'm doing and wants a snack. So I offer him
                  vegetables that I'm chopping up like bell pepper (yes, he
                 eats them raw and is excited about it) or carrots.

#4 Large Carrots
              - There is something fun about eating a large
                carrot like Bugs Bunny.

#3 Refrigerator Shelf
               - The bottom shelf in the refrigerator is
                 completely his shelf.
               - I fill this shelf with convenient, easy
                 snacks that he can help himself  with all day.
              - I include things like miniature boxes of raisins,
                small packages of almonds, carrots, slices of
                bell pepper, grapes, bananas, clementines.
               - No matter what, I always have something in
                  there for him, and he  loves to use it because
                  it is his very own shelf.

#2 Spinach Can Hide in Almost Anything
              - My 2 year old loves spinach and will eat it by
                the spoonfuls but I still cook it in anything from
                taco meat to spaghetti sauce and it really does
               not make the dish taste different.

And my #1 tip is....

Grow Vegetables
              - Last year we had our first garden and
                it was so much fun.
              - My little boy was involved from the start
                of planting the seeds, to the watering every
                evening, to the harvesting.
             - He had so much fun watching things grow
                and when we picked our vegetables, he
                watched/helped me cook them and he ate
               them with such joy.
             - If space is an issue, green beans are
                really easy to grow in just a pot.

So, I think that it is possible for kids to like and
enjoy eating fruits and vegetables but it is something
that has to be incorporated in their every day lives.