Friday, October 22, 2010

A Basic Dinner Meal:Chicken & Rice

I serve chicken and rice all the time. It's quick, easy, and
very basic. Now it's tempting to load the rice with butter but
a basic meal like this just needs a little TLC to make it taste
good instead. A few years ago, I spent some time in Europe.
Their outlook on food is completely different to ours,
generally speaking. I think sometimes we think our food
needs to be loaded with flavors like butter, fried stuff,
bacon, sauces and ketchup, etc. But a meal like this
just needs to be enjoyed for a what it is, a simple
healthy meal. I know many nutritionists encourage
us to eat brown rice, but in my opinion for my family,
I think white rice is good as long as it is served plain
with a vegetable. I baked the chicken, steamed the rice,
and cooked some chard and kale. I cooked the chard
and kale the same way I did the collard greens except I
added a little chicken stock from the chicken instead
of turkey bacon. The chard tastes like collard greens
but it had a little crunch to it. I think I like the collard greens

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